New Aesthetic Shaders & Graphic Packs For Minecraft Render Dragon!
π : hello everyone, today I wanted to show you some new/updated aesthetic shaders for minecraft pocket/bedrock edition render dragon. These packs come with some amazing graphics and new enhancements that are going to make your world look SOO much prettier!! The Oceanic Shader! (Download Here) Up first is the OSRD Shader, which has appeared on my channel several times! It's definitely one of the simple shaders that adds just enough realism to your game. features include realistic skies, shiny ores, and light enhancements! Skye Graphics Pack (Download Here) This might've been my first time reviewing the Skye Graphics pack--but it definitely won't be the last! This pack comes with three unique overworld modes, changing from daylight, twilight, and starlight. It's one of the prettiest packs I've used! I wish I would've reviewed all the modes in this video, but I will give it another showcase in future uploads! The Universal Pack (Download Here) Ah, the universal p...