
Showing posts with the label collections

New Aesthetic Shaders & Graphic Packs For Minecraft Render Dragon!

πŸ’Œ : hello everyone, today I wanted to show you some new/updated aesthetic shaders for minecraft pocket/bedrock edition render dragon. These packs come with some amazing graphics and new enhancements that are going to make your world look SOO much prettier!!  The Oceanic Shader! (Download Here) Up first is the OSRD Shader, which has appeared on my channel several times! It's definitely one of the simple shaders that adds just enough realism to your game. features include realistic skies, shiny ores, and light enhancements! Skye Graphics Pack (Download Here) This might've been my first time reviewing the Skye Graphics pack--but it definitely won't be the last! This pack comes with three unique overworld modes, changing from daylight, twilight, and starlight. It's one of the prettiest packs I've used! I wish I would've reviewed all the modes in this video, but I will give it another showcase in future uploads! The Universal Pack (Download Here) Ah, the universal p...

My Top 10 Favorite Aesthetic Addons & Resources For Minecraft PE 1.19! 🍰🧸

πŸ’Œ:: Hello, everyone! I realized it's been a long time since I've done a top 10 complication. With 1.20 releasing sometime soon--I figured now would be a great time to show you all my favorite add-ons and resources for 1.19! 🧸☕️☁️πŸ°πŸŽ€πŸ’ž First things first: Make sure that you have these experimental options enabled in your world. For the resource packs, you won't need them enabled; but it's always best to have these options on. 1.) Sanrio Bunnies:   The first pack on my list has to be the Sanrio Bunnies port for bedrock!! Last year, I spent a lot of time porting some amazing Java packs, and most were hotbars.    CreamBunny's packs are so adorable, especially these bunnies!  I would say Sanrio took over in 1.19!! 2.) Sanrio Plushies v2: The Sanrio Plushies pack for bedrock is definitely in a close tie with the Sanrio Bunnies pack! I ...

A Collection Of The Most ICONIC Food Addons For Minecraft Pocket Edition!

Has anybody been feeling nostalgic lately?! Well, I figured it would be a great time to look back on some of my favorite collections, of ALL time! This first collection will start with some iconicccc food mods. I absolutely treasure these mods, and the fact that they are still functional in 1.19 just warms my heart! collection video available on YouTube! πŸŽ€πŸ°πŸ§ΈπŸ’Œ☁️⭐️ *Hey! Before you continue, make sure that your world settings have experimental gameplay options enabled! In order to use these function addons, you will need to have experimental options!* Moondrop Food: ( ) the first addon is none other than the Moondrop Food Addon! This pack is still running and is perfect for any build. Have you ever wanted more picnic decor, maybe even something for your cottage? Well, this pack will definitely assist you in your decorating! Okiyah Addon: ( ) The Okiyah Addon is filled wit...

Updated Furniture Addons You Should Revisit For Minecraft PE! (1.19)

πŸ’Œ :: Hello, everyone! Today I wanted to showcase some older pocket/bedrock edition decoration add-ons. I've reviewed them in the past and returned to them with many new updates! These packs are newly updated for version 1.19.62. ☁️πŸ§ΈπŸ’ŒπŸ°πŸŽ€⭐️ To use these add-ons, you must have experimental options enabled! When you go to install the packs in your game world, be sure to switch these advanced settings as well. Medieval/Feudal Furniture: I remember reviewing this pack & the world map a long time ago! It comes with so many decorative blocks, plenty for exterior design. The most recent update includes ladders, boards, desks, tables, and more. I can imagine making a pretty castle with this add-on!! Pet Furniture: The pet furniture add-on has over 60 cute decorations for your pet friends: parrots, doggies, cats, and chickens. There are litter pales, feeders, scrappe...

Cottagecore Aesthetic Resource Packs For Minecraft 1.19.3! (Optifine NOT Required)

πŸ’Œ : Hello everyone! Today I wanted to showcase and review some resource packs for Minecraft java 1.19.3+, that don't require optifine in-game! These packs fit into cottage-core aesthetics, and they're mainly floral. I hope you enjoy using them!! πŸ§ΈπŸ’ŒπŸ’žπŸ°πŸŽ€πŸ§šπŸΎ‍♀️ NO. 1: SIMPLE GRASS FLOWERS (DOWNLOAD) this pack adds such a nice touch to your world. The grass patches with pebbles and flowers are so adorable!! There's something so special about little tweaks and enhancements that just make your world super pretty! NO.2: LILPIE'S IMPROVED FLOWERS (DOWNLOAD) This flower resource is BEAUTIFUL!! They are so whimsical and colorful, I love everything about them πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή. This is such a pretty tweak, and it lifts up your world in a playful way! NO.3: CUSTOM PAINTINGS (DOWNLOAD) I saw these custom paintings and only felt it was right to include them in this collection! Just look at the moss, the vines, the mushrooms??! Hello, this belongs in a cottage!! NO.4: RILAKKUMA HOTBAR (DOWN...

super cute new mods & tweaks for minecraft pe/be 1.19.6+!

πŸ’Œ : Hello everyone! I hope you guys are doing well. It's been a whileee since I made another mod compilation video. So many creators have been publishing such awesome packs--so I had to get my hands on them and share them with you guys! If you have trouble installing or using these packs, check out my tutorials for assistance. πŸ₯° πŸŽ€☁️🍰🧸☕️✨ ENABLE EXPERIMENTAL SETTINGS: *Before using these packs in your world, please ensure that you have experimental options enabled. Though, some packs are resources and do not require these settings--it is always good to have them on just in case.* PLUSHIE V1 BY JJ: ( download available here ) If you aren't already familiar with Simjue's packs, they've made wonderful additions to Minecraft bedrock! You've probably heard of the Simjue lights Add-on that I frequently showcase on my channel. I am such a huge fan of their packs, and this plushie pack is one of the cutest they've made yet! You can find the 4 variants by scrolling ...

simple, aesthetic shaders for minecraft render dragon!

πŸ’Œ - *Hello everyone! Today I've gathered another collection of some simple enhancing shaders for your Minecraft pocket edition world! For players who often encounter trouble with large packs--you will find these shaders work much better for your experience. These work as resource packages and alter minimal features, such as the sky, water, and even waving grass animations!* You can watch the  full video on my channel! PACK #1: UNIVERSAL PACK download: Ok, so for the longest I've been searching for a supplementary shader that everyone on pocket edition can use, and this fulfills it! Pretty much every enhancement for elevated gameplay is in this pack: like fog, sky resources, and realistic water. It is definitely a simple shader, but it serves well for its use as a universal shader! PACK #2: REALISM SHADERS download: This shader is certainly one of the higher-resolution...